Man says he hates his kids and resents his wife for having them

Man says he hates his kids and resents his wife for having them

A man has stirred up the internet with a heartbreaking confession about how he feels about his children.

Baby and father

A post shared on Reddit a few months ago has resurfaced and gone viral, with internet users re-posting it everywhere. 

In the post, the man - a father to three children- says he regrets having children, that he 'hates them', and resents his wife for pressuring him into having children. 

The Reddit user said he derives no pleasure from his offspring's giggles or milestones. He says he has attempted suicide because of this and wishes he could just leave. 

Also See: Husband wants a divorce because his wife got pregnant with second baby

Other users of the site shared their opinions about the matter, urging the man to divorce and leave his family. Although the anonymous user says he shows the children love, it is quite difficult to believe.

Read below and let us know what your thoughts are.  

Man hats kids and resents wife

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