Shocking moment drunk duo falls down elevator shaft

Shocking moment drunk duo falls down elevator shaft

Two visibly intoxicated men fell through a closed elevator door at a hotel. Watch the video below!

drunk falling down lift
New York Post.

People say - and do - the dumbest things sometimes. Add one too many glasses of beer and it could just make matters worse.

READ ALSO: Drunk driver spins and falls out of the car

Videos of drunk behaviour are often shared online and what happens when people have had one too many can most times actually be funny. But other times, people make terrible decisions and their antics then become dangerous.

In a video shared by New York Post, a drunk duo can be seen walking towards an elevator in a hotel. They can be visibly seen to be struggling to stand up straight when the fall though one of the elevator doors and down the shaft.

The pair luckily got rescued and only sustained minor injuries.


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