WATCH: 14-year-old singer, Gabrielle chats about her bullying experience

WATCH: 14-year-old singer, Gabrielle chats about her bullying experience

National Child Protection Week is commemorated in South Africa annually to raise awareness of the rights of children.

Gabrielle/ YouTube screenshot

As we enter Child Protection Week 2021, 14-year-old singer-songwriter Gabrielle acts as a voice for the youth and wants to bring attention to the dangers of bullying.

A victim of bullying herself, Gabrielle has been bullied since she was in Grade 4. 

She explains, “I have been verbally bullied by children calling me “ugly” and saying things like I’m talentless. I have been cyberbullied through WhatsApp and have been invited into groups only to be sworn at and called names.” as she tells Mack Rapapali.

Bullying is a big problem with big consequences. Though bullying affects everyone, it is a particular problem in adolescents. Sadly, bullies can cause lasting psychological and physical damage to other kids. 

READ: This boy's plea to his bullies is heartbreaking

Recently, a 15-year-old pupil in Limpopo, Lufuno Mavhungu, died by suicide after allegedly overdosing on prescription pills. It was revealed through a video that Lufuno was being bullied by her fellow classmates. In the video, which has since gone viral, Lufuno is beaten by another Grade 10 pupil who repeatedly slapped her while other schoolgirls cheered her on.

Bullying is not always physical and can also be verbal, such as with Gabrielle. Though, it is equally dangerous.

When asked why she thinks she was a victim of bullying, Gabrielle elaborates, “I was bullied because of my differences. For example, the first time I got bullied was because my hair was thicker than everyone else.”

To overcome her situation, Gabrielle spoke up against the bully and told her parents. She also wrote a song titled ‘Nasty’ about this very issue. You can check it out below:

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