WATCH: Engineer designs robot suit to give snakes their legs back

WATCH: Engineer designs robot suit to give snakes their legs back

Snakes seemed to be doing fine, but this was a good gesture.


Snakes seemed to be doing fine, but this was a good gesture.

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An American engineer and YouTuber, Allen Pan, decided to try and give snakes back their ability to walk.

In the video, he explains that when he went to a pet store, he asked the snake handler why snakes don’t have legs.

The handler said that snakes have vestigial legs on their bellies, but they can’t walk using them, so Pan decided to build a snake walking suit.

The suit he designed allowed a snake to get in and out of it at its own discretion, and when in use would allow the snake to walk using four robotic legs.

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People loved the video and commented: “The snake finally coming through and being like "oh! What's this" when moving was so so cute”.

Watch the video below:

Image: Allen Pan/YouTube

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