WATCH: Terrifying video of woman trying to scare crocodile away

WATCH: Terrifying video of woman trying to scare crocodile away

People were not sure exactly what was supposed to happen.


A video showing a woman attempting to ‘shoo’ away a giant crocodile has internet users shocked and confused.

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A video posted on Facebook shows a gigantic crocodile walking on the side of the road in Botswana.

As the crocodile walks down the road, people move away from it, obviously afraid for their safety, when a woman walks right up to it and attempts to ‘shoo’ it away.

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People were shocked by her behaviour and commented: “What is this lady trying to prove? It’s not worth it. What’s wrong with people, kante? Willing to throw away your life for what?”.

Watch the video below:

Image: Maranath Monty Chiziyo/Facebook

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