WATCH: Trolley guy seems to have set a new transport trend

WATCH: Trolley guy seems to have set a new transport trend

This is becoming a dangerous trend on our roads!

roller skate

Remember the trolley guy? Well, it looks like he was not the only person to have the idea to use a truck for transport.

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In the viral video, you see a group of people wearing roller skates and holding onto a truck going down the highway.

The roller skaters also pull themselves along the truck, with one man even going in between the two trailers.

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People rushed to the comments saying: "This Should Be A New Trend, I Swear im Also Tryin This" and "At least it's not in SA for a change...".

Watch the video below:

Disclaimer: These acts are incredibly dangerous and should never be attempted by anyone. Please always practice safety on the roads at all times.

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Image: @kulanicool/Twitter

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