WATCH: Woman punches flight attendant

WATCH: Woman punches flight attendant

She is no Mike Tyson, but she threw hands nonetheless…


No matter how annoyed you may be on a flight, it should never be okay to assault a flight attendant as this woman did.

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Apparently, the altercation started because the flight attendant asked the woman to adjust her seatbelt and mask.

The passenger decided that she had had enough and unleashed a flurry of blows on the poor flight attendant, who lost teeth and had to get stitches after the attack.

The entire incident was captured on camera, and in the footage you can see the brutal assault.

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The woman was sentenced to 15 months in jail and has to pay a hefty fine of R116,000 and damages amounting to R400,000.


Watch the video below:

Image: Truth and Justice Continue/Facebook

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