Animal Psychic Jenny Shone helps listeners with their pet problems

Animal Psychic Jenny Shone helps listeners with their pet problems

Want to know what your pet is thinking? Jenny Shone is here to help.

Rian's listeners pets
Scenic Drive listener's pets / Supplied.

As far back as pet psychic, Jenny Shone can remember, she has had a great affinity and a telepathic connection with animals of every species.

READ ALSO: Rian's adorable new cat needs a name!

Shone grew up in an animal loving family and her ability to ''speak'' to animals (and hear them) came from her mother who was also extremely intuitive and supported her in everything she did. Over the years she studied many different modalities with the thought she would be able to apply all the techniques to her animal work. She studies psychic development, pet reflexology, Tellington touch, mediumship, ESP healing and went on various spiritual awareness courses. 

jenny shona
Jenny Shona / Jacaranda FM.

Rian invited Jenny on the show to help listeners with any pet-related questions they might have. Listeners had to send pictures of their "naughty pets" and Jenny then shared her psychic reading with the pet owners.

First up was Rian's crazy cat. ere are the pictures of the animals that we received on our Whatsapp line:

Rian;s cat Max
Rian's crazy cat, Max / Supplied.

Jenny also shared her thoughts on some of the pet pictures that we received on our Whatsapp line.

Omega / Supplied.
Chinkee / Supplied.

Listen to what Jenny had to say:

upside down dog
Lilly / Supplied.
pitbull rian
Oscar / Supplied.
cat rian
Pixie / Supplied.

If you want to reach out to Jenny, you can contact her here.

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