Armand du Preez is well on his way to making it big!

Armand du Preez is well on his way to making it big!

Young Armand du Preez hails from Vereeniging, but he has plans to make it big in the city with his music. He talks to Rian van Heerden about his future plans. 

armand du preez
Jacaranda FM

19-year-old Armand du Preez has had a keen interest in music since early childhood when he used to sing at church. Armand took things further with small performances in local pubs, which he did free of charge.

In recent times, Armand has challenged himself to show his singing to more people by posting videos of his performances online. He has done renditions of Kenny Rogers' "The Gambler", and Theuns Jordaan's "Soos Bloed" and "Sal Jy Bly".
Armand has also tried his hand at songs by his idol Bok van Blerk, singing the famous "De La Rey". These videos have been shared thousands of times on Facebook. 

This is Armand's rendition of "Hardekole":

Armand is studying part-time towards becoming a diesel mechanic but his passion is music and singing. He got just the push he needed when Rian organised an on-air call with Armand's idol, Bok van Blerk:

And, as if that was not enough to motivate Armand, Rian got Select Music's Niel Schoombee on the line to give Armand a special message: he was going to have a meeting with the renowned Afrikaans music label!

Armand could not stop smiling when he heard the news. 

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