Beandri Booysen from Pretoria meets her hero Brendan Peyper

Beandri Booysen from Pretoria meets her hero Brendan Peyper

Beandri Booysen met one of her favourite stars - Brendan Peyper. Look at the special pictures below!

Brendan Peyper & Beandri Booysen
Instagram/ Brendan Peyper

Beandri Booysen is one out of 125 people living with progeria - and her biggest dream is to become the oldest person living with this syndrome. 

Beandri Booysen (15) from Doornpoort, Pretoria, is certain that she will be the oldest person living with progeria.

Booysen hopes that by the time she turns 29, she will be married, given birth to twins, have her dream job of being a teacher, and drive her favourite car, a Mini Cooper.


Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that causes a child's body to age fast. Most kids with progeria do not live past age 13. The disease affects both sexes and all races equally. It affects about 1 in every 4 million births worldwide.

According to reports, the oldest person living with progeria was South African Leon Botha, who died at age 26 in 2011.

On Thursday, Afrikaans singer and songwriter Brendan Peyper visited Booysen and posted a picture of them on social media. 

In 2019, Booysen visited the Scenic Drive - and had the most amazing time with the team. 

Listen to her interview with the Scenic Drive. 

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