Chinese news agency to cut costs with 'AI anchors'

Chinese news agency to cut costs with 'AI anchors'

Xinhua, China's state-run news agency, introduced two new 'AI anchors'. These robots have been programmed to mimic the station's existing human reporters. 

ai anchors

"I will work tirelessly to keep you informed as texts will be typed into my system interrupted". 

This is not exactly the kind of fair comment and accurate news promise that you're used to hearing from public broadcasters, and that's because Xinhuan, China's state-run news agency, is looking to take reporting to a new level with the introduction of "AI anchors".

Two artificial intelligence entities, one speaking English and the other speaking native Chinese languages, have been added to the Xinhuan team. Their creators hope to one day be able to replace human anchors completely, thereby removing the company's need to spend money on salaries.