Chinese police officer helps elderly citizen to go the extra mile

Chinese police officer helps elderly citizen to go the extra mile

Elderly people need a little more help getting around than everyone else, especially when it comes to crossing the road. One kind Chinese police officer found a novel way to solve this problem. 

weibo policeman
Youtube screenshot

Seeing public servants going out of their way to make the lives of other citizens better is always great. It keeps hope alive and encourages us to have faith in our fellow citizens. 

One Chinese police officer takes his duty to other citizens very seriously and, as this video shows, will do anything to help someone in need. 

The police officer, who has been identified as Qin Weijie, was on duty in Mianyang, Sichuan Province when he noticed an elderly man attempting to cross at a busy intersection.

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Noticing that the man would not make it across the road in time to beat the traffic, the officer sprang into action. 

He approached the man, who was hobbling along slowly using a walking stick and offered him a piggyback ride. The police officer carried the man across the street, managing to get him to safety and to avoid a hold-up in traffic at the same time. 

Not many traffic officers would go as far as carrying a man across the road. Chinese citizens praised the policeman on Weibo, saying: "Mianyang police are the best! The officer is so nice to help out the elderly." 

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