Construction workers play 'Whac-A-Mole' during a rare moment of on-site fun

Construction workers play 'Whac-A-Mole' during a rare moment of on-site fun

This is a glimpse into the everyday lives of construction workers, answering a burning question: "why do building projects take so long?"

Youtube screenshot

Working on a large-scale building project requires a lot of hard labour and long hours. Construction workers might have a bad reputation in pop culture, but you have to admit that they have one of the toughest jobs out there. 

That's why seeing the men from a construction site taking a bit of a fun time out is very interesting. It shows that even though their days are long and gruelling, they too can appreciate the lighter moments in life. 

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This real-life game of the popular American arcade game Whac-A-Mole is both ingenious and hilarious. How are the men so good at escaping just before they get whacked on their helmets?

It certainly looks like the type of game that could easily take up hours of the men's time.

Could this be the reason behind the sometimes ridiculous delays in construction projects?

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