Don't worry the Boks didn't get the biggest rugby thrashing ever

Don't worry the Boks didn't get the biggest rugby thrashing ever

This video will make you feel so much better about the Boks' loss this weekend.

worst rugby loss
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South African's are feeling a little disheartened after this weekend's rugby game between the Springboks and the All Blacks and we know you probably don't want to talk about the game.

However, you don't have to worry the Scenic Drive is here to help you feel just a little better.

ALSO READ: Record win not good enough, say All Blacks

Even though it might feel like the worst defeat in history it certainly isn't. In 2015 during a Belgium rugby tournament the Royal Kituro beat Soignies by a remarkable score of 356-3. Kituro ran in 56 tries, meaning they crossed the line roughly ever 90 seconds.

Unfortunately for the Soignies the whole game was broadcast live on local television stations.

We hope that this helped put a smile on your face even if it was just for a little while.

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