Jaco Buys gets a surprise from Francois Van Coke and Albert Frost

Jaco Buys gets a surprise from Francois Van Coke and Albert Frost

Decorated South African game ranger received a special musical surprise from Francois Van Coke.

Francois Van Coke for Jaco Buys

The Scenic Drive recently surprised decorated South African game ranger Jaco Buys with a special live performance from Francois Van Coke and Albert Frost. 

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Jaco Buys is a well-respected South African game ranger who has several prestigious awards under his belt, including the award for Best Safari Guide of 2016 from the Field Guide Association of South Africa (FGASA).

Buys is a great friend of Jacaranda FM, and has made regular appearances on The Scenic Drive with Rian. Upon hearing about Buys's recent colon cancer diagnosis, the team decided to surprise the ranger with a live musical performance. Watch the reaction to the surprise in the video below:

Francois Van Coke and Albert Frost are part of a group called Blood Brothers, a musical group that works to raise awareness about cancer, and raises funds towards the cause by hosting an annual rock concert.

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