Jo Black launches anti-bullying app on the Scenic Drive

Jo Black launches anti-bullying app on the Scenic Drive with Rian

South African singer and songwriter Jo Black launched his brand new anti-bullying app on the Scenic Drive with Rian.

Jo Black wants you to join them at our next #Straatbraai
SARIE Tydskrif / Leana Clunies-Ross

Bullying is a big problem in schools and takes many forms, including cyberbullying. 

Singer Jo Black who is also known for his 'Be That Guy/Girl' campaign and is very passionate about spreading positive messages in schools. The organization hosts regular presentations at schools across the country. 

READ MORE: VIDEO: Randfontein bully-victim breaks his silence on the Scenic Drive

'Be That Guy/Girl' seeks to promote integrity, respect, honour and leadership, positivity and building each other up amongst the youth toward their peers.

On Thursday, Black launched his brand new anti-bullying app on the Scenic Drive with Rian. He had this to say about the App. 

"The app 'Heroes Anonymous' is anonymous and the app is registered per school. If a child is being bullied, the child can connect to the app and he or she will get help. The child will be anonymous on the app but the school will know who it is. The school be informed that there are kids being bullied and the kid will get help." - Joe Black informed listeners. 


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