Naked Clarens woman rides horse to celebrate her cancer remission

Naked Clarens woman rides horse to celebrate her cancer remission

A woman from Clarens celebrated her remission by riding on a horse naked. Vanessa Faarking Jarvis shared her story with the Scenic Drive. 


Vanessa Faarking Jarvis, a businesswoman from Clarens celebrated her remission by riding on a horse naked.

Jarvis made headlines on Wednesday after her big celebration. 

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Jarvis joined the Scenic Drive to share her story. 

"Women complained and they were not happy. 

"People in Clarens phoned me to tell me that I don't have morals. People are so judgemental.

"I got a lot of support from people. I opened Neked that sells CBD oil to help me but also others. 

"I think my shop might be burned down after this," Jarvis told the Scenic Drive. 

A few residents from Clarens were unhappy with the way Jarvis celebrated her remission. 

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