Rian is very impressed with this new WhatsApp feature

Rian is very impressed with this new WhatsApp feature

Will you be using the new "Delete for Everyone" feature on WhatsApp?

unread message

Memeburn reports that WhatsApp has begun rolling out the much-anticipated "Delete for Everyone" feature. The feature will be available to users who have the latest version of the messaging app, and will allow them to delete any messages they may have sent in error. 

The message will be deleted from your phone as well as from the other user's phone. 

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This feature is for those with quick fingers: there is only a seven-minute window allowed between sending the message and deleting it. After those seven minutes, the message will be out there and you will have to deal with the consequences. 

Reviews of the feature are slowly coming in, and so far people are welcoming the change. It will now be easier to save relationships and you won't have to leave family group chats in embarrassment.

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But one thing is still top of mind: we are living in the age of screenshots, so if you know a message is going to be embarrassing, rather hold off on sending it out at all. 

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