Rian asked experts to weigh in on this issue.

Rian wants to get to the bottom of this ghost mystery

Images from a centuries-old house raise many questions.

paul kruger apparitions
Rob Milne

A picture taken at a nature reserve several years ago by Gavin Huntingford featured what he claimed was a male ghost. Scenic Drive listeners weighed in, saying the picture shows an entire family, including a "well-dressed man".

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In an effort to get to the bottom of this issue, Rian reached out to photographer Albert Bredenhann for a professional's perspective on what is really going on in this picture, and he said that it was 100% authentic.

Historian Rob Milne weighed in with his own ghost experiences, and shared a picture from Paul Kruger's house (now a museum) that shows apparitions of two soldiers.

paul kruger apparitions
Rob Milne

Rob is the curator of the Paul Kruger museum, which is at Kruger's former home near Bulhoek in Pretoria. While he is not a ghost hunter of any sort, Rob does have a keen interest in the history of the era surrounding the Anglo-Boer War. 

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