The Scenic Drive meets Gift: The gifted student with a love for music

The Scenic Drive meets Gift: The gifted student with a love for music

From a young age, Gift Matjila had a natural talent for music. He joined the Scenic Drive to share more about his love for music. 

Gift Matijla
Jacaranda FM

When Gift Matjila was nine-years-old he tried to play the guitar- but he failed to master it - and decided to leave it until when he was matric. 

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In 2016, he fully decided to teach himself to play the guitar.

He is currently a student at Varsity College and recently joined Studio Cha for singing and writing lessons. 

"If I finish my degree, I will be the first one in my family with a degree.

"After my studies I want to take my music futher. 

"I am a big Robbie Wessels fan - and I love his humour.  I believe I am his biggest fan.

Gift performed for the Scenic Drive - and his biggest inspiration Robbie Wessels surprised him with a special message. 

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