SDD, Quinton investigates different prices of lamb chops

SDD, Quinton, investigates different prices of lamb chops

Lamb prices are soaring in South Africa. So much so that our SDD, Quinton had to investigate.

Quinton investigates/The Scenic Drive with Rian
Quinton investigates/The Scenic Drive with Rian

Where do you think the most expensive lamb chops are being sold? And the cheapest?


Let’s see!


Quinton was sent on a mission to investigate exactly why lamb chops are outrageously  expensive. Rian van Heerden told him to find a sheep farm and ask the farmer what he gets paid per kilo for lamb. Quinton made his way to a sheep farm in Brits in the North West and spoke to a third generation sheep farmer, ‘boer Shaun’,  who has been farming with sheep for years.

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After establishing that farming with sheep is no child's play, and that farmers get between R60 and R65 per kilo for lamb, our SDD, Quinton set-off to the nearest butchery to find out what they charge per kilo of lamb. He specifically looked at the price of loin chops. ‘n Lekker skaap tjoppie vir die braai. He made his way back to Gauteng and found a butchery in Sandton to see how prices of loin chops compared between the platteland and Sandton.


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Our SDD has now stablished that sheep farmers get paid between R60 and R65 per kilogram of lamb, while the price for lamb loin chops differ between a butchery in Brits and one in Sandton. But what about the big retailers? How do their prices for lamb loin chops compare?

We did the work for you.

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