Takeaway Wednesday: The best baked cabbage your kids will taste

Takeaway Wednesday: The best baked cabbage your kids will taste

This may be the recipe that changes your relationship with cabbage for good.

cabbage with bully beef
Jacaranda FM

Scenic Drive listener Marie Dreyer believes her cabbage recipe is sure to win any child over.


Cabbage (that's the green leaf type that looks like salad) 

A few potatoes,  peeled and cut into cubes

A can or two of corned beef*  (it depends on how much cabbage you use)

One or two cups of cream

Grated cheese, quite a lot.


Boil cabbage and potatoes in salt and pepper water until cooked.

Drain water.

Add corned beef and cream to hot cabbage; mix well.

Pour the mixture into an ovenproof dish, grate cheese over the top and bake for about 15 minutes.

Serve with green salad and / or ciabatta sandwiches.

The corned beef can be replaced with hot chicken pieces or minced meat.

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