Troubled SAA ranks in top ten of world's best airlines

Troubled SAA ranks in top ten of world's best airlines

Despite its financial troubles, South African Airways has managed to rank fifth in AirHelp's Global Airline Ranking list. 

South African Airways

South African Airways has made headlines for its financial difficulties over the past few months, leaving many questioning the integrity of the company. 

While the company is still desperate to obtain funds to cover its losses, it appears the conduct of all the airline's staff is of a high enough standard to grab the attention of an international judging panel. 

AirHelp, a technology company that provides legal services to airline passengers travelling into and out of the European Union, has ranked South African Airways as the fifth best airline in the world. 

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AirHelp's survey took into consideration "on-time performance, quality of service (gleaned from public reviews on an array of reliable websites), and a claims-processing score (which reflects how a company handles customer complaints)", according to Fin24.

The top ten airlines according to AirHelp are: 

  1. Qatar Airways
  2. Lufthansa
  3. Etihad Airways
  4. Singapore Airlines
  5. South African Airways
  6. Austrian Airlines
  7. Aegean Airlines
  8. Qantas
  9. Air Malta
  10. Virgin Atlantic

The question now is: does a favourable rating based on reviews and customer experience surveys in any way mitigate the damage that bad financial decisions have caused to South African Airways' reputation?

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