WATCH: 80-year-old 'DJ Wika' parties up a storm

WATCH: 80-year-old 'DJ Wika' parties up a storm

Instead of babysitting her grandchildren or enjoying her free time, Poland's oldest DJ Wirginia packs her CDs, mixer and laptop, and heads off to the nearest club to get the party started!

WATCH: 80-year-old 'DJ Wika' parties up a storm

DJ Wika was a former teacher, however, she is not ready to be retired. 

Every Monday night, she entertains about 1 000 people at the Hula Kula club, smashing stereotypes and empowering seniors as she plays everything from disco and rock to samba and ballads.

ALSO WATCH: Legendary singer, Diana Ross turns 75!

DJ Wika mainly entertain senior citizens. According to Reuters, she does not fit the stereotype of an elderly person. 

She does not see any reason why she should live according to her age and the life norms determined by others. 


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