Wedding guests shocked as reception venue floor collapses

Wedding guests shocked as reception venue floor collapses

Wedding guests at a ceremony in Shijiazhuang City, China had to scramble to safety after the venue became a danger zone. 

gaping hole in apartment floor
A hole opens up in the ground/iStock/vicnt

A couple's first dance as husband and wife is a special moment. All the wedding guests' eyes will be on them, meaning the pressure to get all the steps right will be high. 

Fortunately for one couple in Shijiazhuang City, an unexpected venue malfunction took the weight of the first dance right off their shoulders. 

Just as guests were settling in to enjoy the rest of the wedding reception, the floor opened up and swallowed several tables. Six people had to be rescued from beneath the furniture. 

It is believed that a leak undermined the integrity of the floor, causing it to collapse. 

The six affected guests only sustained minor scratches. 

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