This is why you should go and watch 'Dowwe Wicus en Dolla van der Merwe'

This is why you should go and watch 'Dowwe Wicus en Dolla van der Merwe'

Beloved South African entertainers Dowwe Dolla and Wicus van der Merwe are taking their new theatre show all over the country. They spoke to Rian about why Dowwe Wicus en Dolla van der Merwe is a must-see.

margit and wicus
Jacaranda FM

Dowwe Dolla (whose real and equally colourful name is Margit Meyer-Rodenbeck) has been a fixture on the South African comedy and theatre seen for the better part of the last two decades. With her signature blonde hair and ever-present lollipop, Dolla dispenses knowledge and observations about life.

Wicus van der Merwe, musician, comedian and TV presenter in his own right, joins Dowwe Dolla on stage in Dowwe Wicus en Dolla van der Merwe a comedy show that encourages everyone in the audience to stay focused on the bright side of life. 
This is the first time in 26 years that Wicus will be doing a theatre show. 

Expect much more than the ordinary blonde jokes and van der Merwe jokes from these two. The show incorporates sketches and short stand-up sets from both Dolla and Wicus.

The show only comes with one warning: ''Jy moet lag dat die trane rol, anders spuit ons jou met Doom.''

Comedians often lay everything bare on stage during their acts, but of course Rian was able to dig up a few very interesting unGoogleable facts about Margit and Wicus. 

For tickets to the show, on at the Pierneef on 8 May, email [email protected]

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