Wife surprises husband by showing up to her own funeral

Wife surprises husband by showing up to her own funeral

He wanted her dead because he thought she was cheating - but then she showed up at her own funeral. 

noela rukundo

Balenga Kalala, a Congolese refugee who has been living in Australia for several years, got the shock of his life when his wife Noela Rukundo walked into her own funeral, clearly alive and well. 

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Balenga had arranged for Noela to be killed while she was at home in Congo. According to reports, on the fateful day he had called her and advised her to go for a walk outside. As she stepped out of her home, she was accosted by a man who forced her to get into a car before driving her to a secret location. 

But there was a twist: the hired hitmen said that they would not kill Noela as it was against their rules - they did not believe in killing women or children. They let Noela go and she flew home to meet her husband on the day of the memorial he had planned for her. 

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The Washington Post reports that the man screamed "Is it a ghost?" when his wife approached him. 

Noela reported her husband to the police and had him arrested. 

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