Cop dodges car sliding on ice by the skin of his teeth!

Cop dodges car sliding on ice by the skin of his teeth!

Just in the nick of time! How close is close? Well, if this video is anything to go by, we are pretty much going with what happened to a cop in Minnesota who nearly got crushed by an SUV that lost control while sliding on an iced road.

car sliding on ice

A Minnesota based cop pulled over the driver of an SUV, following through with his normal day to day activities, when suddenly a speeding SUV approached. The driver of the SUV lost control of the vehicle as it slid across the slick iced road.

There are two things to look out for in the video. 

Not only does the cop manage to get out of the sliding cars way in the nick of time after trying to find his feet on the slippery ice as well. But, the cop even managed to notify the driver of the vehicle he pulled over to shut the door.

This cannot get any closer! Either this cop has a lot of experience in these icy conditions or he is secretly the real Spider-Man and he has his spidey senses to thank.

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