GMA Matric Dance Special (Part 1)

GMA Matric Dance Special (Part 1)

Making Matriculants' Cinderella and Prince Charming moments come true with the help of Pretoria fashion designer, Henja Schaap and Ane-Marie Snyman, of Snyman Tailoring. 

Part 1: Sister in need of a hand


Lebohang Malala from Pretoria 



Well known Pretoria fashion designer, Henja Schaap 



Designer, Henja Schaap will meet with Lebohang to choose the design that will suit her best for the big night as well as the fabric and colour that will make her stand out. He will then make the dress of her dreams. Pixel Pro's Albert Bredenhan will help with hair, nails and make-up to the value of R5,000 and also take the most beautiful photos so she can cherish her memories of the big night forever. 



Lebohang is the youngest of three sisters. The sisters have a very strong bond and live with their mother, as their parents are in the process of divorce. The family was used to a good life, with a good school and prospects ahead. This all changed when their home was repossessed. Not long after, their parents decided to divorce, leaving the three sisters and their mom sharing a small flat. Their mom has been trying to get a job for more than two years and the elder two sisters keep them going financially. Through all of the changes, Lebohang has worked hard and given her all at school. Now, her sister, Roxanne has made it her mission to help bring some joy to Lebohang's life and she's asked for some help to get Lebohang to her Matric Farewell Dance. 


Original request: 

Dear Good Morning Angels,

I received this request.


Albert Bredenhann


Dear Albert,

The past few years have been hard. 

Just before I started working with you, our house that we lived in for more than 10 years was repossessed and everything else just fell apart! From having no money to travel to work, eating pap for breakfast, lunch and supper to having no support from other family and relatives.

Because my parents are in the process of divorcing, my two sisters, mother and I all stay together in a 1 and a quarter bedroom flat, with lots of boxes occupying space with what we have left. Some of our belongings are still at the property we used to own. We can't afford transport to fetch it and we do not have the space for it. 

My mother is currently unemployed and has been struggling to find work for the past 2 to 3 years. Although she doesn't have any qualification, she has years experience in Human Resource Management (especially in the Government). And because my mother is unemployed, my sister and I take care of the family. Most our salaries combined pay rent and electricity, and the rest is for food, which means bread and tea for the most part. We are more than grateful for the little we have, as long as we are together.

The youngest of us three girls is currently in Matric (Grade 12) in Pretoria High School for Girls. (At the time she started school at Girls High both our parents worked and could afford to pay the fees and it was only fair that she went to a school like Girls High as we were also privileged enough to have attended it in the past). She has managed to do well this year despite this whole process of change. We are also battling to pay her fees and the hardest part is that her Matric dance is just around the corner. The hardest part for me would be telling her that we cannot afford a dress for her special night. Every girl deserves to look her best for the final ball in High School. 

My only wish is that we can make Matric dance something special and memorable. This would mean a lot to her. If there is anything that you can do to help her out, I will forever be grateful.

Thank you!



Part 2: Twin Brothers Get A Treat


Brothers Riekert and GC van Buuren from Delmas in Mpumalanga


Ane-Marie Snyman, Snyman Tailoring - 


Ane-Marie Snyman is a Pretoria fashion designer, focusing on men's wear and suits. She has invited Riekert and GC to her studio for a consultation to choose the perfect design and fabric, after which she will create the perfect outfit for the brothers' big Matric Ball - all tailored and made by hand! 


Riekert and GC are brothers - 11 months apart in age - and both in matric in Delmas. Their parents live in Whiteriver, where their dad found a job after struggling for a long time. The salary is a quarter of what he used to earn before he lost his job as a fitter. The brothers had to leave school, but decided they wanted to do their matric. There were no schools nearby in Whiteriver they could go to and so they took the leap to go to Delmas - without their parents - to go to school and look after themselves where they are living in a flat. Their mom, Jackie calls them her brave heros. She wants to reward them with the fabulous matric farewell they've earned, but there's no way she can afford it ...  



Original request: 

My 2 dapper seuns is albei in matriek die jaar. Hulle Riekert en GC van Buuren. 

My man is 'n gekwalifiseerde passer, maar hy het vier jaar gesukkel om weer werk te kry - teen 'n kwart van die salaris waaraan hy gewoond was. Ons moes, nou gewoond raak met 'n maandelikse salaris van R5000 per maand waarvan R3200 na die seuns toe gaan vir hulle woonstelhuur en kosgeld.   


Asb ons is in Dire straits. Ons kan nie hulle matriek-afskeid klere bekostig nie.  Ons is in Witrivier en die 2 seuns alleen in Delmas. Die skole hierrond neem nie matriekleerlinge in nie..die seuns wou nie nog n jaar wag nie en so is hulle terug Delmas toe om hul finale jaar klaar te gaan maak sonder hulle gesin.

Hulle is albei leerlinge van Delmas Hoerskool in Matriek. 

As 'n moeder wat hierdie kinders die afgelope jaar sien swaarkry het, wil ek asb vra dat iemand dit in hulle harte vind om die 2 dapper helde se matriekafskeid te kan borg.

Hul is werklik dapper en WIL van hulle lewe n sukses maak.. Die finansies Ontbreek egter. Hul is pligsgetrou. HUL verdien 'n wonderwerk.

Hulle het niks. Ons kan dalk die hemde huur. Ek wil nie hê hulle moet die grootste geleentheid waarvoor hulle hard gewerk het, misloop nie. 

Asb, ek sal volledig uitbrei oor die hardships wat my 2 seuns moes deurmaak om Matriek te kan skryf ...Dis net ongelooflik! En hulle het nooit gekla nie...

Asb as julle nie deurkom nie, laat weet my asseblief. My foon is op die koffie en boonop sukkel ons met die sein.. Of. Email my asb as jul kan help...

Ek hoop regtig dat die versoek oorweeg sal word.. Baie dankie vir die geleentheid .

Baie groete,
Jackie van Buuren

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