GMA Matric Dance Special (Part 3)
Updated | By Bronwyn Hardick
Making Matriculants Chireen and Yahné's Cinderella moments come true with the help of Mercia van der Walt, from House of Superior Clothing.

Yahné Brits, Pretoria North
Mercia van der Walt, House of Superior Clothing
The House of Superior Clothing in Lynwood is a treasure trove of fabulous dresses for all occasions. This time of year, Merica and her team focus on matric farewell dresses and they source loads of new dresses weekly. Marcia has invited Yahné and her mom to visit the purple House in Lynwood Street to choose the perfect dress from her latest stock.
Yahné and her one sister live with their single mom, Petra. Things have been difficult since her parents' divorce - especially financially. Petra uses her bonus to pay the children's school fees every year, but this year her car broke down and it ended up costing some R16,000 to have the engine replaced. She used her bonus and borrowed some money to pay for this, as she cannot afford to replace the car. This has left her in the red - and a matric farewell dress and trimmings is not in her budget at all. Just the attendance fee of R400 per person is a financial mountain. Some of Petra's colleagues at work have started to raise funds by selling food at work and Petra makes jewellery - all in aid of Yahné's matric farewell. Yahné does not expect anything of the sort, but she has a group of fairy god mothers who believe she should go to the ball and feel like a princess.
Original request:
Good Day Angels,
We would like to turn to you for your assistance in helping one of our employees.
Petra was happily married, with three daughters aged 6 years to 17 years old. Petra and her husband got a divorced. Petra has 2 daughters living with her and the other third daughter lives with their farther. Ever since the divorce, Petra has been struggling to make ends meet. Last year, Petra’s car broke down and she took it to a mechanic to have fixed. The Mechanic apparently “fixed” her car but when she got her car back it gave her more issues than before. The beginning of this year, she took her car to another mechanic that also “fixed” her car, but her car is still not fixed. This has cost Petra thousands of rands as she can’t afford to buy a new car. She had to use her bonus to pay for the repairs to her car and this left her in dire straits, because she usually pays the school fees for her 2 daughters with that money.
Petra’s eldest daughter, Yahné is now in matric and the Matric farewell is coming up soon. Petra is already stressing about the matric farewell as she does not have the funds to cater to her daughters needs for the upcoming matric farewell. Petra has heard that the learners had to pay R400 pp last year just to attend the Matric Farewell and she is not sure how much it will cost this year. It seems that the costs are going to be double this year. Petra’s daughter wants her boyfriend to go with her and because he is in a different school his costs are more to attend. We have made a plan here at work to try and collect money to give to Petra for her daughters matric farewell. We are selling food at work every second Friday to raise funds. Unfortunately we are just a few people in this area and not a big amount is coming in, but at least every cent helps! Petra is also making jewelry on the weekends to sell and she is also selling Avon in her private time. For sure we can confirm that every cent is paid into that her daughters account for the matric farewell and no money is being drawn out of the account.
Petra is a wonderful mother, but she cannot afford to do much for her daughters to spoil or treat them. Her daughters are so understanding to the financial issues.
Please help us to help this wonderful mother in need. She works so hard to provide for her daughters. Please help us so Yahne can get the princess look and pampering on her special day, please can we make her daughters' matric farewell dream come true.
Thanking you in advance, for taking up the time in reading this email and listening to our story.
Kind regards,
Reina and Chanté
Chireen Matthews, Krugersdorp
Mercia van der Walt, House of Superior Clothing
The House of Superior Clothing in Lynwood is a treasure trove of fabulous dresses for all occasions. This time of year, Merica and her team focus on matric farewell dresses and they source loads of new dresses weekly. Marcia has invited Chireen and her mom to visit the purple House in Lynwood Street to choose the perfect dress from her latest stock.
Chireen is the eldest of three children. When she was 13, she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. This was only discovered when she ended up in hospital, with a sugar count of 40. In 2013, her mom Maritha lost her job. A few months later, Maritha's mom passed away and the family used their savings to bury her. Then, in another tragedy, their house was partially damaged by fire. A year on and after many unsuccessful applications, Maritha finally found employment - at a much lower salary - but better than nothing at all. They are still battling with medical arrears and other bills and Maritha is very worried that they have nothing left to make Chireen's matric farewell a special occasion.
Original request:
Goeie dag.
My naam is Maritha Matthews ek is die moeder van Chireen Matthews. Sy is ons oudste dogter en is hierdie jaar in matriek in Monument Krugersdorp. Ons is baie trots op haar en ons ander twee kinders ook (Chrizelda 15 en George 3). Ek wil graag vir u die agtergrond gee van my versoek vir Chireen. Sy is op die ouderdom van 13 jaar gediagnoseer met diabetes 1. Ons het dit nie geweet nie, sy was op 14 Januarie 2013 opgeneem in Netcare Krugersdorp waar sy in n vroee diabetiese koma was, ons het haar die oggend by 'n sekere dokter gehad wat haar verkeerd gediagnoseer het en dit het veroorsaak dat sy in die hospitaal belang met n suiker telling van 40. Ons dank ons Hemelse Vader dat Hy haar vir ons gespaar het. Sy struikel soms met die suiker maar ons kom daar deur.
Ek het in 2013 my werk verloor en was vir meer as n jaar lank werkloos wat ek orals aansoek gedoen het. In daardie tyd het ek my geliefde moeder verloor sy was nie siek gewees nie, wat ek en my man ons laaste geld gevat het om haar te ruste te le. Daardie selfde jaar het ons brandskade gehad aan ons huis wat ons geruk het. My man kon daarin slaag om die res van die huis te red van die vlamme, meeste skade was in die kombuis en eetkamer asgevolg van loadsheading.
Ek het in September 2014 daarin geslaag na al die gesoek om n werk te kry waar en nog tans is met in baie kleiner salaris wat ek verdien het. Ons het vreeslik baie dokters rekening en hospitaal rekeninge wat ons moet betaal van my dogter en die wat ek my werk verloor het, het ons net op my man se salaris geleef wat hy alles moes betaal.
My wens as moeder is om vir Chireen net n mooi matriekafskeid te kan gee. Ek en haar pa het so baie dinge om te betaal en sukkeld daarmee. Ek weet sy sien baie uit na hierdie spesiale dag, maar ek kan nie vir haar se ons kan dit nie vir haar moontlik maak nie. My wens is om haar soos n prinses te laat voel al is dit net vir die een spesiale daggie in haar lewe.
baie dankie dat ek hierdie geleentheid gegun was om met u dit te kon deel.
God seen u
Maritha Matthews
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