GMA Matric Dance Special (Part 4)

GMA Matric Dance Special (Part 4)

Making Matriculants Nthabeleng Dikgore and wins Chanté and Helgelean Whelan's Cinderella moments come true with the help of Mercia van der Walt, from House of Superior Clothing. 

GMA part 4
Chanté and Helgelean Whelan


Twins Chanté and Helgelean Whelan from Polokwane 


Mercia van der Walt, House of Superior Clothing 


The House of Superior Clothing in Lynwood is a treasure trove of fabulous dresses for all occasions. This time of year, Merica and her team focus of matric farewell dresses and they source loads of new dresses weekly. Marcia has invited Chanté and Helgelean and their mom to visit the purple House in Lynwood Street to each choose the perfect dress from her latest stock. 


Chanté and Helgelean are twin-sisters from Polokwane in Limpopo. They were born three minutes apart but are not identical and have completely different personalities. Chanté is a gifted singer, who love to perform every chance she gets. Helgelean, the eldest, is an athlete who loves playing cricket. She has been chosen for the Springbok Action Cricket girls team and plays in two other local and provincial teams. What they do share is a passion for fashion and style and - like any other matric girl - would love a dream dress for the matric farewell. Their parents are very proud of them and would love to make this possible. However, their dad lost his jobs some time ago. He's been looking and trying his best, while their mom is now the only breadwinner. She knows they cannot afford dresses and shoes and all the other trimmings and she asked Good Morning Angels to help her make the twins matric farewell a night they will feel proud of and never forget. 

Original request:

Goeie dag


Ek rig die skrywe aan u want ek het ’n pragtige tweeling dogters, Chanté en Helgelean, wat nou in matriek is. Almal praat en reël hulle matriek-afskeidrokke en my pragtige, nederige dogters hou hulle eenvoudig eenkant, want hulle weet daar is nie geld vir sulke luukshede nie.  Dis asof ’n mens vir 12 jaar weet die dag gaan aanbreek en daar is soveel beplanning as hulle klein is en dan skielik is hulle daar.  Hulle is plaas-dogters in murg en been en het nog altyd baie hard gewerk. Ongelukkig is ek nou die broodwinner nadat my man sy werk verloor het en daar is absoluut geen vooruitsigte op dié stadium vir verandering nie. Hulle het reeds besluit wat hulle wil aantrek en ek los hulle maar om soos die maats die internet deurgegaan vir mooi rokke en skoene.


Hulle twee is pragtig – Chante is ’n kunstenaar en sing gereeld by optredes, skoue en funksies. Haar sussie, Helgelean, is 3 minute ouer en sy is weer ’n kranige krieket en Action Krieketspeler. Sy speel op die oomblik in 3 verskillende Limpopo spanne en was ook gekies vir die onder-18 Action Krieket Springbok span, wat in Oktober aan die Wêreldbeker in Austraië deelneem.  Ongelukkig omdat sy ook in Oktober 18 word, is sy twee maande te oud vir die span en wil sy nou gaan meeding vir die o’23 vroue Action Krieket Springbok span.  

Hulle al twee is baie deftige jong dames en ek dink elke mamma voel nèt die beste is goed genoeg vir haar dogters.


Ek vra of daar dalk iemand is daar buite wat asb. bereid sal wees om my twee prinsesse se drome te bewaarheid sodat hulle net die een dag in ’n sprokieswêreld kan leef en goed kan voel oor hulle self en nie hoef terug te staan vir die ander jong dames nie. Ek het die begin van die jaar al afsprake vir hulle hare gemaak en betaal elke maand daaraan af, maar ek sal nie die rokke en skoene kan bybring nie.


Baie dankie vir die geleentheid om u te kontak.  


Baie dankie 


Nthabeleng Dikgore


Nthabeleng Dikgore from Munsieville, Krugersdorp


Mercia van der Walt, House of Superior Clothing


The House of Superior Clothing in Lynwood is a treasure trove of fabulous dresses for all occasions. This time of year, Merica and her team focus of matric farewell dresses and they source loads of new dresses weekly. Marcia has invited Nthabaleng to visit the purple House in Lynwood Street and choose the perfect dress from her latest stock. 

Background and request:

Dear Good Morning Angels,

I would like to introduce you to a very special young lady. Her name is Nthabeleng Bridget Dikgore, she is a matric student at Thutolefa secondary school in Munsieville. She lives with her mom (she is a domestic worker who takes piece-jobs, but she is not very reliable). Nthabeleng's older sister passed away. She is left looking after her sisters’ children. She provides for them with a  state grant and takes the little ones to church every Sunday. She ensures that they stay out of trouble, cooks for them, does their washing and makes sure that they do their homework and go to school. She has no one to look out for her, but she is trying to live a positive life. Besides all these responsibilities, she does very well at school, even though she has a hearing problem and uses an old hearing aid. My wish for her is to have a special matric farewell dance, so that she can be treated for once in her life, without having to stand back. She will never spend the little money they have on something for herself, let alone and expensive dress.    

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