Good Morning Angels Relieves Drought Devastation

Good Morning Angels Relieves Drought Devastation

Certain parts of South Africa have been hugely affected by the recent drought. Farmers, especially, have lost huge amounts of live stock and crops due to the dry situations. This morning we contacted two organisations that add relief to those in need. 


South Africa has recently been hit by a number of areas being affected by the recent drought. Farmers of crops and those breeding with livestock have lost numerous amounts of stock and crops over the past few months.

Earlier this morning we asked listeners to inform us of areas and those who were still affected by the drought and who haven’t received any aid yet to call us and lets us know where help is needed. There are two organisations doing incredible work and striving to help those in desperate need. B.I.N (Boere In Nood) is one of these organisations who help farmers with issues of food for their livestock. NC Schoombee, one of the founding members of B.I.N (Boere in Nood) spoke to us about what the organisation does to help others affected by the drought.

One of our listeners sent us these images of some of the livestock that are suffering from the drought:

drought 2

Caroline van Saasen, who is the founder of the organisation Water Shortage South Africa shared with us a few areas that are currently in dire need of water for their crops and more so the communities. 

Our very own, Good Morning Angels, came to the party and donated R20, 000 to each organisations so that they can continue with the incredible work that they do. 

Take a listen to what happened on air this morning:

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