Hippo lands brutal attack on thirsty rhino

Hippo lands brutal attack on thirsty rhino

This rhino picked the wrong animal to have a fight with... 


During a drought, many animals fight for the same water in order to survive. 

A grumpy hippo, who can be seen protecting his dam, landed a brutal attack on a peaceful rhino who was just stopping by for some water. 

In the video the two massive beasts can be seen facing off with each other. The hippo can be seen opening its large mouth, displaying its massive teeth, trying to scare off the rhino. 

Moments later, the hippo pushes the rhino over and the rhino tumbles into the water. The hippo pierces the rhino's tough hide and pushes its massive teeth into the rhino. One can see that the rhino has been de-horned due to poaching prevention. Naturally, the rhino would have probably been able to protect itself should it have had its sharp horn. 

Unfortunately the rhino did not make it and later died. 

Please note: Not for sensitive viewers. 

Do you think the rhino had an unfair chance due to the fact that his horn was missing? 

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