Intern Carl proves South Africans have a lot of love to give

Intern Carl proves South Africans have a lot of love to give

In a video that has recently gone viral on social media, showing a student standing blind-folded asking for hugs, we thought we would give it a try. Intern Carl set out to Sandton CBD to see if South Africans have love to give. Let's face it, in a time like this, we all need some love. 

hug love

Rynaard de Goede's video has gained a lot of talk. It saw him standing on a corner within the campus of the North-West University, asking for hugs. 

Rynaard even went as far as blind-folding himself, to test and see if people are willing to share love

The Complimentary Breakfast's intern Carl set out, with his blind-fold and board, to Sandton CBD to see if South Africans are willing to share a hug with a complete stranger. 

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