Ronnie Muhl: Summiting the Highest Peaks of the World

Ronnie Muhl: Summiting the Highest Peaks of the World

This morning we were joined by Ronnie Muhl. Ronnie has stood on the top of six of the seven peaks of the highest mountains in the world. In fact, he has summited Mount Everest three times.

Ronnie Muhl and Tashi

Ronnie Muhl has stood on the peak of six of the seven summits. Ronnie is on a quest to climb his seventh summit and he has many adventures to share with his audiences. Ronnie is also the founding member of the Professional Speakers Association of South Africa (PSASA). 

He presents his talks to audiences both locally and overseas, from Australia, New Zealand, India and Singapore to the UK, the USA and Canada.

Ronnie Muhl

In 2006 he spent two months on the North Face of Everest, however, he was unsuccessful in his bid to become the 10th South African to stand on her summit. He returned to the mountain in 2007 and on 23 May, fulfilled his dream by becoming the seventh South African to summit via the North-east Ridge.

Ronnie spoke to Rian and shared his views on the current situation of university campuses in South Africa as well as reflected on his expeditions and achieving summiting some of the highest peaks in the world. Take a listen below: 

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