Vir Altyd, the story of love and forever

Vir Altyd, the story of love and forever

Vir Altyd film stars Donnalee Roberts and Ivan Botha join TCB in studio to chat about the must watch film of 2016. Check out the trailer here. 

Vir Altyd poster

When romantic children’s book author Mia (28) is left in front of the altar, her own fairy tale comes crashing down. In her heartbroken state Mia convinces her childhood best friend Hugo (28), a professional travel photographer, to come along on her already-paid-for-honeymoon in an attempt to get over love.

On the paradise island of Mauritius they meet interesting couples and get put into even more interesting situations that alter their views on love, marriage and happily ever after.

Catch this film next year as it hits the big screen on 12 February 2016

Vir Altyd poster

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