WATCH: Die Fiksheidsboerin's Fitness Tips

WATCH: Die Fiksheidsboerin's Fitness Tips

Have you ever wanted to get a few quick and easy tips on how to work away that excess fat and become extra fit? Well then we have the perfect web-series for you. Adri Vermaak is the owner of a cake shop and to our surprise, she also gives excellent fitness tips.

Fiksheids Boerin

The 'Koekeloor-Koekwinkel' not only boasts a confident and welcoming owner, but behind the curtains, Adri Vermaak, is also a fitness instructor - Fiksheids Boerin.

Adri Vermaak joined us in studio this morning to tell us about her videos and she shares a few of her secrets on how to keep fit and healthy.

Adri joined us in the gym this morning and gave us a few useful tips, well, so she thinks...

Take a listen to Adri as she shares her views on weight and fitness with Rian.

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