Woman claims she can cure blindness by licking the eyeballs of her patients

Woman claims she can cure blindness by licking the eyeballs of her patients

An elderly woman has been making headlines after she claims that she can cure blindness. Her method for curing is what is making people's heads turn. It's not what you think! 

blindness licking image

Could something as simple as licking an eyeball cure blindness? Well, for one 80-year-old, she claims she has a gift that can cure blindness in patients. 

Not only can she cure blindness, she is also able to clear your eye out from metal, glass and sawdust. She believes that her tongue is so 'special' that locals will cut her tongue out when she dies so that they can still use it for its healing properties. 

The 80-year-old, Hava Celebic, sterilises her tongue using alcohol and cleans out the eye of her patients by licking it and circling her tongue around the eyeball. 

To date, Nana Hava claims to have cured over 5,000 people, from Americans to Russians. 

We can't help to think that this is totally gross! However, who are we to judge? Whatever floats your boat! 

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