Repaired yacht sinks minutes after being launched

Repaired yacht sinks minutes after being launched

Talk about things not going according to plan?!

yacht sinks minutes after launch

Richard Ogilvy, a 75-year-old father of five, spent five years renovating his yacht.

He worked timelessly with the help of his two sons trying to repair the engine and the rotten wood on his beloved 'Sea Wraithe'.

But when the time came to test the yacht on the North Sea, it did not even make it out of the harbour, sinking within minutes after it was launched.

Can you believe this happened after all that hard work?

The former forester stated in an interview that he doesn’t want to think about how much he lost and he certainly does not want his wife to find out!

yacht sinks minutes after launch
yacht sinks minutes after launch
yacht sinks minutes after launch
yacht sinks minutes after launch

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