Scary clown gets attacked as stunt goes horribly wrong

Scary clown gets attacked as stunt goes horribly wrong

The scary clown phenomenon has taken over the United States and it has become dangerous. One clown thought it would be a god idea to prank a few people in a car, but it went terribly wrong. 

scary face

Currently, the United States is being filled with scary clowns that have been seen chasing people and to an extent, citizens are being frightened and it is becoming a real problem. 

One prankster thought that it would be a good idea to prank his friends. 

However, it took a turn for the worse when his group of friends got out of the vehicle and started kicking and punching him. One man even pulled out a baseball bat and started to hit the man's face.  

If that's not enough, there have been many videos and postings about the crazy clown phenomemnon. 

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