Study claims: posting gym selfies means you're a narcissist *gasp*

Study claims: posting gym selfies means you're a narcissist *gasp*

You like tracking your progress at the gym and your eating plans, so naturally, you post a selfie as a means of documenting how you're doing, right? Turns out a section of academia thinks you might well be a narcissist. We didn't say it. Some clever researchers did. 

Kourtney Kardasshian gym selfie

Mashable reports that a survey conducted by researchers at Brunel University London has found that topics Facebook users choose to post about are influenced by their personality traits. 

The same study found that people who are predisposed to narcissism frequently post about their achievements — and that extends to achievements at the gym. 

So there we are: a section of the British Intelligentsia reckons you're insanely vain if you post a selfie at the gym, tracking your progress. 

Let Martin know: how often do you post gym selfies? Are they helpful in keeping you motivated?

How's about a throwback? Watch this video with useful tips for posting the perfect gym selfie. 

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