Teenager taunts police officer by circling him on bike

Teenager taunts police officer by circling him on bike

This is a moment that this police officer is definitely not going to forget easily!

Teenager taunts police officer by circling him

The video shows the cheeky teenager on a motorbike giving the already flustered cop the runaround as his friend cheers him on in the background in Kingshurst, Birmingham.

The 45-second clip ends with the police officer eventually giving up and the suspect riding off.

It is unclear what lead to the chase, but the police officer was definitely at a disadvantage in this instance.

Heidi Kennedy told Daily Mail that bikers intimidating people is a big problem in the area and that it is unacceptable for bikers to use local parks for off-road activities.

ALSO WATCH: Motorbike crash that just goes from bad to totally weird

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