There's more to a man's hands than meets the eye!

Is there more to a man's hands than meets the eye?

Apparently you can tell how good a man is in bed by simply looking at his hands!

Man's hand
beautiful on holiday

Most of the time if a woman stares at a man's hands, she's trying to figure out if he's married or has been married or is just single. Well, things are about to change. 

Apparently women look at a man's hands to figure out how good he is in bed  - or not. 

It is said that if a man's ring finger is the same size as his other fingers or shorter, then he'll last longer in bed. But if he's got a long ring finger, he won't last very long.

Also Read: Husbands' hilarious tweets about marriage that ring all too true

Dr David Goldmeier at Imperial College London was studying premature ejaculation when he discovered that there was a link between how much testosterone a baby received as a child in the womb and how long their ring fingers were. High levels of testosterone in the brain control the receptors that make you ejaculate. 

We used to think that premature ejaculation was about genetics, or psychological. But nope, it's about how much testosterone you got as a baby. 

Martin and the team had Tumi Morake in for Monday Funday, here is her take on how to tell a man is good in bed.

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