WATCH: things that women hear in a lifetime (that men just don't)

WATCH: things that women hear in a lifetime (that men just don't)

A HuffPost video doing the rounds right now is sheer genius in the way it documents the kinds of things that women have been hearing through the ages that men probably never will.

48 things women hear in a lifetime that men won't hear

"Don't be so bossy"

"He picks on you because he likes you"

"Don't wear that to school, you're going to distract the boys"

"Why are you getting so emotional?"

"You don't want kids? Don't you worry you won't be fulfilled?"

"You must have been beautiful when you were younger"

These are some of the questions and statements that women have been hearing and continue to hear through the ages. You can tell just from watching the video just how exhausted the women hearing these utterances truly are. 

Let's play fair and flip this script: what things are men tired of hearing that women don't? Let the Martin Bester Drive know #MBDShow 

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