Why do women live longer than men?

Why do women live longer than men?

The British Medical Journal carried out a study and found that men are more likely to engage in 'idiotic behaviour' than women. 

Man flying on a broom
Bored Panda

There are a number of medical reasons why women outlive men. 

Firstly, men usually develop cardiovascular problems earlier than women. The reason for this lies in varying degrees of iron deficiency that menstruation can cause in women that changes the way their cardiovascular cells react to heart disease. There is a plus side to menstruation ladies! 

Also Read: Study: Single people die sooner than married couples

There's also this study that has found that men are more likely to engage in "idiotic behaviour" than women. 

The British Medical Journal employed a methodology analyzing sex differences in idiotic behavior. The organization found out that men are more likely to be admitted to the emergency room after accidental injuries that result from plain idiocy.

We don't need to say a lot about this, the pictures below tell the tale. 

Men Safety Fails 1
Bored Panda
Men safety fails 2
Bored Panda
Men safety fail 3
Double Mesh
Men safety fail 4
Bored Panda
Men safety fail 5
Bored Panda
Men safety fails 6
Bored Panda

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