A quick solution to stop the mozzies from biting you
This is a new one – who knew something that smells so sweet could help k...
Weekdays from 12:00 - 16:00
Alex Jay – the name alone evokes the FM voice we have all come to love over the decades. His show from 12:00-16:00 shares a healthy dose of 'More Music You Love' every day.
Alex Jay's quirky commentary and dad jokes have become a beloved part of his show, endearing him to an audience that has followed Alex Jay to wherever he orchestrates his show on the airwaves – luckily he chooses Jacaranda FM! He loves to share music 'did-you-knows', along with the most up-to-date traffic and news from around the world.
This is a new one – who knew something that smells so sweet could help k...
Burn me once, that's on me; burn me twice and get shredded for a price...
We'd love to see the perspective of the caller when something like this ...
Who needs sleep when there's a chance you'll get to eat ice cream?
Would you ever consider hiring someone to provide you with company when ...
It's like the saying goes, "Wine not, it's five o'clock somewhere..."
Don't disregard your workplace's health and safety regulations and polic...
Here's why talking on the phone while tending to a braai can be hazardous.
We doubt this was an elaborate assassination attempt – it was more likel...
This is why self-driving cars were created... or so we assume.
Sometimes, you just need a friend to steer you in the right direction. Y...
When you approach things with a multipurpose mindset, you begin to see o...
Who says shopping has to be a bleh experience?
While crime is never something to celebrate, you have to admit – this th...
When you get shivers just thinking about a creepy crawly inside your car...
A real-life Benjamin Button can't believe she looks under 18.
"Ready, set, count your way to your bonuses..." Employees were given the...
When you think you can get your own way at a restaurant just because you...
At first, the drop-top Toyota Hilux in the video looks like it just had ...
Hey, what are you going to do? They have six more legs than you...
It might also be the cutest little park you've ever seen.
In 1978, brothers Gianni and Santo Versace co-founded one of the most ic...
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