This act of chivalry gets this guy an A+ with his girlfriend

This act of chivalry gets this guy an A+ with his girlfriend

This guy has all the makings of 'gentleman'...

A guy wearing heels while a lady wears his sandals
A guy wearing heels while a lady wears his sandals/Instagram Screenshot/

We've seen videos of people who don't make it off the graduation stage. Well, not literally, but perhaps their egos don't make it off in one piece.

It's not all bells and whistles for the person who ends up having an accident on stage because of the shoes they decided to wear, and let's be honest it's happened more than once. 

We're no experts, but, generally, if the shoe fits, you should wear it. We are creatures of comfort. 

And sometimes, the fairer sex ignores this sentiment for personal reasons, and it doesn't always end in pleasing aesthetics. This time, we saw an unusual scenario. 

A woman headed for graduation or back from it wears her male friend's flat sandals while he gives her feet a break and wears her heels

Watch how comfortable the transition was for this guy; it was impressive.

Courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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