Awkward first date shows a guy who forgot his wallet

Awkward first date shows a guy who forgot his wallet

An episode of First Dates shows a man and a woman on a date, but things take a turn for the awkward when they receive the bill. 

A man looks at the bill in restaurant while on a date
A man looks at the bill in restaurant while on a date/YouTube Screenshot/@firstdates

If you want good entertainment, the best show to watch is 'First Dates'. This is especially great if your love life isn't where you want it to be. 

Some people featured on these dates remind us why we shouldn't feel like it's the end of the world if we are single. The quality of single people out there is questionable. 

In particular, there was a recent episode in which a couple went out on their first date and the guy kept raising red flags. 

Watch a short clip of what happened that made the date so awkward - video courtesy of Instagram:

A couple was out on a first date, casually engaging in conversation. When the woman asked the man about his thoughts around love, he answered, but we noticed from her response that he was raising some red flags for her. 

Things got awkward when the bill arrived at the table, and he began fumbling over the items listed. It was evident it made her uncomfortable, but it could've been handled better from his side. 

The world of dating has evolved, as has the idea of gender roles in a relationship. Nowadays, it would be ignorant for us to think that the man always pays for the date. And we know many women who agree that splitting the bill is acceptable on a first date. 

What's worse is that after she offered to pay for what she had, he discovered he didn't have his wallet. How awkward!

Watch the video below - courtesy of YouTube:

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Image Courtesy of YouTube


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