This baby shower game took a weird turn

This baby shower game took a weird turn

When you don't think your actions will result in anything severe, they do. This grandfather-to-be miscalculated his belly nudge.

A couple dancing at their baby shower
A couple dancing at their baby shower/TikTok Screenshot/@tashaabrahim

Dads-to-be are generally high-spirited when they find out they will be fathers, but grandparents take the cake with their levels of excitement. 

Unsurprisingly, they may act jovial and silly during pregnancy. One grandad-to-be decided to share some lightheartedness and fun at his son and daughter-in-law's baby shower

He was asked to place a balloon under his shirt for fun and games to mimic being pregnant

Watch what happens when the grandad-to-be gets too excited and nudges the grandma-to-be too hard. 

Courtesy of TikTok

@tashaabrahim no babys were harmed in this video #fyp #fail ♬ original sound - tashaabrahim

The video left people confused, and many were concerned about the well-being of the woman in it, whom they assumed was the mother. 

The woman was, in fact, the mother-in-law of the mother-to-be, and the man was the father-in-law. They were participating in the fun and games at the baby shower. 

As the poster said, no mothers or babies were harmed during the shower. 

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of TikTok


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