Boyfriend gets caught with a 'healthy' snack

Boyfriend gets caught with a 'healthy' snack

Don't ever underestimate the power of a woman's observation skills...

A guy snacks on lettuce while watching TV with his Girlfriend
A guy snacks on lettuce while watching TV with his Girlfriend/Instagram Screenshot/@alexquist_

Healthy eating can be challenging for many people, but having a partner to support you can make it somewhat less challenging. 

That comes with terms and conditions, though. We saw this with a couple who committed to eating healthier. Video creator Alex Quist from Tennessee shared a video that proves women would make better detectives than men. 

We may start a riot by saying that, but don't take it too seriously; it's all in the name of fun.

Bear in mind, when you try to trick your female counterpart, make sure to dot all the I's and cross all the T's. As challenging as it may be to eat healthy, it's just as challenging to act like you are eating healthy. 

Alex attempted to fool his wife into believing he was snacking on lettuce. Yes, he chose lettuce. 

At first, we were confused about why he would pick something such as lettuce because even the healthiest people don't snack on lettuce leaves, but we quickly realised where his mind was. 

He opened up his ice-cream and was munching on it behind the lettuce leaf, but, of course, he was not smooth enough to pull this off without a glitch.

Watch as he fails at eating healthy - video courtesy of Instagram

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Image Courtesy of Instagram


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